This is my dream sort of job: travel to the family farm and spend time playing outdoors with an awesome little group of kindred souls. Oh, and take a few pictures.

Of course, taking a quick look at the chickens was first priority.

From my home, a highlight of our view is seeing Mary’s Peak to the west. You can see the same Peak in the background of these photos, but it’s to the east. As a photographer, I’m always paying attention to the lighting and how a photo will turn out. This is the geeky part of me that can’t help but get excited to see Mary’s Peak with full sun in the afternoon and the photo isn’t blown out! Every time I’m at home and taking a photo of Mary’s Peak at this time, it’s a dark silhouette, so seeing the green is a refreshing change.

How to have fun on a farm? Rocks and dirt are the answer. They are never in short supply!

Can you guess how old he is?

Photos are misleading at times. The photos above these words showed everyone all in one spot, all the time. Reality is that it was more like the photo below.

We had a sneak peak of the chickens earlier. Now is the time to take a closer look.

Farm fresh eggs! This family does it all out on the farm: beef, pork, eggs, etc. I hope to share more photos from their farm in the future. Keep an eye out for any developments from Backlander Farms, since these are the sort of people who I love to support!