K is my senior! This is the best part of the job, looking at photos I’ve taken of my own kids, thinking about how much I love them. Each senior I meet is unique and worthy, and I’m able to learn that even when I’ve only known them a couple hours. I’ve known K her whole life, so it’s a no brainer for me to share that she’s AMAZING!

You can see why it was so easy to get plenty of smiling photos of K…..we had some entertainment while taking photos. I love having other people along on a photo session, just for that reason.

No matter what K does, she’s always able to find the fun and make a game out of it. You’ll never be bored with her around.

I figure this last photo is for all those other moms and dads who have come along the senior photo session. I MAKE them take a photo with their senior, even though most would prefer not. So I MADE myself and Craig jump in a photo with K too.